An easy growing Phalaeonopsis species from the Philippines (Mindano island). We originally acquired this clone in the classic “plastic wrapper” importation pot, and then mounted the orchid on cork. Much better root growth! The leaves grown in the three months after mounting were notably smaller, but the orchid still bloomed for a second time this year (with ongoing active root growth).
Update: this particular orchid has an unfortunate cultural side-note, covered in my article on virus testing our entire orchid collection. When it was tested, it was found to be infected with both CymMV and ORSV. It is very unlikely that the transmission occurred in our collection, and I believe that we purchased it already infected. I include this detail to bring awareness to incidence of virus infection in imported Phalaenopsis, even species, mericlones, and seedlings. They have had a very high infection rate in our experience, and we no longer have most of our Phalaenopsis collection as a result. (Our domestic seed-grown Phalaenopsis have been virus-free).

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My vision to create orchid portraits emerged from my appreciation for the “whole orchid.” So many photographs of orchids focus only on the flower. But orchids are not flowers: they are entire plants and living beings. Connect more deeply with the many dimensions of orchids …