Another of the orchid gems that my husband convinced me to bring home … and I am very pleased that we did. This Cattleya (Laelia) jongheana was available at the sale of an orchid collection, and it was clearly a victim of the common problem with this group of Brazilian Laelia — being potted in too moist of media. Coming home to a new pot with medium Kiwi bark and large Growstones, this orchid rebounded beautifully, with several new growths, lots of roots, and the lovely flower that you see here.
Cattleya (Laelia) jongheana is a cooler growing species from Brazil, member of the Section Hadrolaelia. Like many of the Brazilian Laelia, it seems amenable to a range of temperatures, as long as humidity is moderate to high. We grow this one with our rupiculous Laelia collection indoors with a southeastern exposure and supplemental LED lights in the afternoon. Winter nights are about 58F (14C) and summertime highs in low 80s (27C). Weekly to bi-weekly watering, daily misting, and a humidifier as needed are good culture for this species for us.

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My vision to create orchid portraits emerged from my appreciation for the “whole orchid.” So many photographs of orchids focus only on the flower. But orchids are not flowers: they are entire plants and living beings. Connect more deeply with the many dimensions of orchids …